Dehydrated Fruits

Everything You Need To Know About Dehydrated Fruit

Dehydrated fruit is what?

Fruit that has been dehydrated, or dried fruit, as it is also called, is a natural fruit, such as the fruit found in supermarkets, but after undergoing a process of intense dehydration, its water content is reduced to a minimum. In this process, fruits still retain the same health benefits, properties, and vitamins as fresh fruit.

Here is everything you need to know about dehydrated fruit. There is nothing new about this technique, it is very old. Historically, people used this technique to prolong the life of food. Money shortages and geographic mobility encouraged people to practice ingenuity and preserve food for longer periods of time under optimal conditions.

The elimination of water resulted in the fruit losing up to 20% of its original weight, as well as ceasing the growth of bacteria which caused the deterioration of the fruit, as bacteria cannot survive in a dry environment.

The dehydration process is performed in order to preserve the fruit’s colour. Vitamin C, sulfur, and sulphite are the substances necessary to carry out this process.
The consumption of dehydrated fruit is not recommended for people with asthma because of this process.

Is dehydrated fruit fattening?

Dehydrated foods have been at the centre of controversy because of their high-calorie content, according to a popular theory. Therefore, it is necessary to answer the famous question: does dehydrated fruit fatten us up? Let’s find out.

Though dried fruit has a high caloric value and contains a large proportion of simple carbohydrates (sugars), dehydrated fruits are an ideal food for our health because they contain important vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron and provitamin A (beta-carotene). In addition, dehydrated fruit is a good source of fibre that aids in digestion.

There is a growing number of people who recommend eating dehydrated fruits as part of your weight-loss diet. In order for people to understand, half a cup of dried fruit is equal to one cup of fresh fruit. Dehydration of fruit concentrates nutrients and increases calories in smaller foods, so they do not have the same nutritional value.

Is dehydrated fruit fattening or not?

Considering how everything in life is interconnected, if we eat a variety of foods rich in healthy nutrients, exercise regularly, and consume them in a moderate manner, the truth is that they are among the best foods an individual can consume.

Having a sedentary lifestyle and eating a lot of dehydrated fruit, on the other hand, leads to gaining weight, but this would also occur if we ate rice, bread, milk, or any other food item.

Food is not fattening, but lifestyle is.

What are the benefits of dehydrated foods?

In our previous articles, we stated that most people believe dehydrated foods are just calories and sugars. However, numerous studies disprove this fact and uncover a very different truth. Here are some of the main benefits of dehydrated foods:

Fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of cancer, and dehydrated foods can reduce the risk of cancer. Consumption of fresh and dehydrated fruit and vegetables can significantly reduce the risks associated with oxidation and chronic inflammation since they are high in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Dehydrated fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of heart disease. The best medicine is to eat fresh foods as well as dehydrated fruits and vegetables to reduce cholesterol and inflammation.

Fibre is abundant in dried foods. As we mentioned previously, these supplements can help improve our intestinal health. The stomach is known in medical circles as a second brain, so keeping it healthy is extremely important.

Dried foods strengthen and protect bones. Calcium, magnesium, boron, or vitamin K are all present in these foods.

Fruits and dehydrated foods are also good for pregnant women. When a woman is pregnant, she needs extra nutrients for her baby, so dehydrated fruits and foods are an excellent source of extra nutrition.

Drying Fruits & Vegetables: How to Prepare?

Choosing seasonal produce is the first step.

Dehydrating is sometimes thought of as a way to use up bruised, battered, or lifeless items. As opposed to what many people think, drying actually concentrates flavour, so start with prime produce you’re excited to eat.

The second step is to wash, scrub, and peel

When you can, buy organic produce and give fruits and vegetables a quick rinse or scrub. Peeling is completely up to you, but just remember that the skin will only get tougher as it ages.

With a mandolin or sharp knife, thinly slice the potato

It is best to use pieces of uniform size and thickness, between 18 and 14 inches thick, that will dry at the same rate. If you don’t mind the slices shrinking as they dry, go a few millimetres thicker than you need for the end result.

The fourth step is to dip the fruit in citrus water

If your fruit is prone to browning’s, such as bananas and apples, you can skip this step. Soak the slices for 10 minutes in a bowl filled with equal parts lemon juice and water. Pat the fruit dry with a paper towel after removing it from the water.

Blanching vegetables in boiling water is step five

If you are using sweet potatoes or sugar snap peas, this step is optional, but it is important for starchy vegetables. To stop the cooking and preserve their bright colours, boil them for a few minutes, then shock them in an ice bath.


You can buy dried fruits online from the best super foods manufacturer in India.

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